
What is a healthy work place – and how do I get one?

What is a healthy work place – and how do I get one? By healthy I don’t mean clean, green, and having an office full of chi (even though that is a contributing factor a healthy work environment) – I’m talking about a work environment where staff want to come to work, they want to work their hardest, and at the end of the day feel good about...

Why Out is the New In

The outsourcing of your payroll is an alien concept to many. Walking into a world full of acronyms such as ‘Saas’, ‘BPO’ and ‘Cloud’ initially resorts in the apt reaction of ‘wtf!’ Once the linguistic acquisition of the technological jargon has mellowed, however, it becomes monumentally transparent why ‘Out’ really is the new...

Fire Your Bosses and Promote Your Leaders

Everybody loves to rave about the bossless workplace, but it’s far more easily said than done. I’ve already written about the perils of the “flat management mutiny” — which comes as you emerge a leadership structure out of flat chaos — but it’s even harder going the other direction: dismantling an over-managed “top-heavy”...

Minimum Viable Employee

It’s widely repeated that “great people are 100x more productive than average people.” But while everybody says it, most companies just hire 100x more average people. At Expensify, we try very, very hard to hold the line and only hire people we think are truly great. This means that despite ample resources and more than enough work to go...

Tracking training for business success

It’s no secret that businesses with a culture of training are seen as quality organisations. The right training is a key element in the business strategy and it’s the lifeblood of most successful businesses. A true training culture continuously challenges its own methods and ways of doing things. This ensures continuous improvement and the...