
Tips for managing seasonal workers

During the Christmas holiday season, businesses of many types employ seasonal or casual workers to meet extra demands. Often these workers are hard-working young people who have travelled from overseas, bringing with them their own language and culture. This international melting-pot makes for a fun and productive work environment, although it can...

8 Reasons Why You Should Outsource

Outsourcing ‘business as usual’ tasks can bring focus and efficiencies your business needs in order to succeed in today’s fast paced environment. A new level of agility and access to quality analytics and expertise can be brought into your business. To get ahead of the competition, consider outsourcing.

The Power of Customer Success

Customer Success is one of the most important strategic priorities at Spotlight Reporting. The more we learn about Customer Success principles, strategy and practice, the more we can see the powerful resonance this could have for accountants in practice.

Directing Employees to Attend Medical Assessments

Is a direction for further medical assessment lawful and reasonable? A recent appeal decision by the Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission re-emphasises the rights of employers to direct their workers to attend medical appointments to determine their fitness for work, while highlighting the more straightforward path for doing so when employers...

Measure What Matters

“The average human has one breast and one testicle” – Des McHale This cheeky quote sums up the value of data when data means everything without insight. Big data is everywhere – but too much data, with too little insight, results in little impact. Research is now showing us that the “big data” trend is struggling to demonstrate a return...
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